In Their Own Worlds (Fall 1963)


Listen to Chapter 2

The weeks passed quickly, bringing the late-summer heat wave, then the falling leaves. And it put 600 miles between two girls who had been best friends since fifth grade.

“…and I had only been on campus ten days before my first date with Glen! Boy, this weekend in the mountains is just too much for words—I never knew a pre-med could be so exciting…” Sandra chuckled out loud.

“What is it, roommate?”

“Oh, Anna, it’s just a letter from my friend at home, Julie Scott. It’s only October, but it sounds like she’s really having a ball. No,” she muttered half to herself, “I don’t need to worry about her. I just hope things will work out for Bob and me.”

“…but the very night Glen decided physics was more important than romance, Larry appeared and took me to the concert…”

“…I thought the phone call was really something, then when he sent the flowers for my birthday, I could hardly believe it. Sandra, do you think maybe Allen really does still like me?”

“…Imagine Kurt and Bill coming over to see me! But I guess they do miss us—but especially you. They asked about you…”

Sandra hesitated to pick up the pen. Slowly she wrote, “Dear Julie, I guess you’re having a great time down there, aren’t you? Oh, I’m so mixed up I don’t know what to do! Bob wants to get married next summer, and I’m not even sure I’m in love with him. No, it’s not Kurt or Bill—I just don’t know. We’ve had some great times together—he does everything he can for me—I just don’t have the feelings I should have. I want to love him, really I do, but I hardly know him—we’ve been apart so long. And what should I take for my major? Daddy’s always plugged for the teacher idea, but I want to be a social worker—or maybe even Bob’s wife…”

And Julie wrote back. “…and, Sandra, I’ve met the most wonderful man in the world! His name is Mike Kirwin and he rides a motocycle. Besides being another pre-med and terribly admiring, he’s such a good Christian and wants to be a missionary. Man, I can sure understand now about your flings when you were away from Bob. Kid, what if Mike and Allen both come to see me during vacation? What a neat situation! (Ha!) By the way, things will work out for you and Bob. He’s loved you deeply for over two years—even when he was supposedly dating me. Anyway, your decision about a major will come, too; magically, someday you’ll know exactly what you want…”

Sandra smiled to herself as she checked the date on Julie’s last letter. She started it two weeks ago. If Julie only knew now just how things were working out.


“Honey, you don’t know how happy it makes me to hear you say it,” Bob breathed as he lingered en route from Nelson Library to the girls’ dorm.

“Well, I do love you,” Sandra responded, “like I’ve never loved any other boy before in my life.”

Bob touched her hand. “Mrs. Bob Miller,” he whispered. “Someday, someday.”

The Christmas spirit permeated the air the day Sandra packed and said goodbye to Bob. “I sure wish you were going back to Riverdale with me, honey.”

“Well, princess, I do, too. But, well, we need the money. We both have debts to pay off. Now you be good while you’re home! And, merry Christmas, sweetheart!”

Sandra returned his kiss and got onto the plane. As the silver machine soared through the clouds, she knew this vacation would be the actual test of her love for Bobwhen she would be around Kurt and Bill once more.

< Chapter 1 | Chapter 3 >