
Motherhood is a field of bluebonnets,
growing free in the Texas springtime,
fragile cobalt flowers,
protected by State law
from those who would ravage and destroy them.

My field, of course,
is brighter and bluer than any others,
sown in night-silence,
nurtured in the morning of youth,
watered with my tears
of both elation and adversity.
Under cloudless cerulean skies of contentment,
warm paternal breezes caress tired hands
that remove rocks and thorns of ADD and food allergies,
as precocious blossoms wiggle upward through the homey soil,
on slender pale green stems,
snowy petals smiling innocently,
gazing into my own eyes.

Short is the season of bluebonnets,
the childhood of summer,
fragile in their strength of beauty and delight.
But other seasons follow,
as new seeds fall into an earthy bed,
there to sleep until the time is right again
for another field--another generation--
of Texas bluebonnets.
