“You Don’t Have to Say You Love Me”

“For me, love does not exist. If I marry, I will marry for money, for financial security. I will marry for intellectual stimulation, for professional and/or social status–even for sex–but never for love.”


Please don't say you love me--
What is love to me?
Love means only pain,
And brief is ecstasy.

If you want to marry,
If you're really sure,
Then share with me your money;
Make me feel secure.

But I must have my freedom
In order to stay sane.
I'm proud and free (though lone) now,
But free I must remain.

Never say you love me,
Just reach to me your mind
With thought and understanding;
I'll satisfaction find.

Let me status know,
A great career (or two!),
Good friends, good wine, and laughter,
A future bright in view.

And if you say you love me
But sex you do not give,
Then how can you expect
That I will with you live?

I will cook and clean,
I'll do what must be done,
I will have your babies,
Or, if you wish, have none.

Perform a husband's duties,
I'll do each wifely task,
But just don't say you love me;
It's much, too much, to ask.

For words are easy, talk is cheap,
And promises are free;
But love costs hurt and heartbreak--
There's no such thing for me!
