“How Gentle Is the Rain”

Gentle is the rain that falls upon my window,
Gentle as the sound of your voice.
       I hear your words,
           a song of peace,
           and the quiet whisper of laughter
               that rippled into my life.
Gentle is the breeze that floats into my room,
Gentle as you move, with elegant dignity.
       I see you now, snow-white skin,
           light wisps of hair, soft gray eyes,
           your hands, your feet,
                so graceful, so controlled,
                    your smile, spontaneous, tender.
Gentle is the sunlight that steals across the floor,
Gentle as your touch.
       I feel your hand,
           lightly reaching for mine,
           your hushed lips, barely caressing my own,
           your warm, existent body lying still in my bed.
Gentle are the shadows that fold into the night,
Gentle as you faded from my world,
           drifting out of reach,
                      out of touch,
                for me to know alone my silent tears of love,
                      and the gentle pain of memory.
Gentle is the rain upon my window....
