
I promise thee nothing; thou, who art neither a child
nor yet a man. I make no flattering vows to lull thy
troubled mind.
I swear not to thee alone my affection; my heart is yet
young and free. Yet, in moments of quiet solitude,
devotion reaches for thy soul.
I promise thee not an everlasting rainbow of romance and
beauty, now so pleasing to thine eyes; for thine eyes
may change. Only thine inner sight can perceive me as I am.
I promise thee not unbroken trust in the sweet fleeting
words that flow like honey from thy lips and vanish into
the night; yet, somehow, I believe that thou truly dost
love me.
I promise thee no perfect understanding for thy secret
ways; man is mortal. Yet, in laughter, my soul rejoiceth
with thee; in sorrow, weepeth as thine own.
I vow not to call thee my sweetheart, for I want not to
hurt thee with deception. Yet, when some unpretentious
stranger ask for the name of my lover, it is thy name
that I give.
I promise thee not love. I cannot promise thee what is
not mine to give; I can only refract a ray of divinity.
I give thee not my hand; too soon will it be bound. Yet,
with whom else will I choose to link my eternal destiny?
To thee, a youth of but seventeen, with thy fond dreams
and noble ideals, may faith in life itself be thine. May
thine heart cherish all the happiness that is due thee.
May thy soul be filled, thou that desirest the paradise
of love.
Yet, I promise thee nothing--only an unwavering faith
in thy God.

--written at age 16
