Marriage is...
	a candlelighted church and white-carpeted aisle;
	music and flowers and happy, excited friends; 
    a soft handclasp; 
    the magic moment when the two of you alone
		are queen and king; 
    a promise, a kiss, a prayer; 
    and	waving goodbye to the others as you vanish 
    	into a star-studded night...

Marriage is...
	cooking your first meal in a two-room apartment;
	paying the rent together; 
    an electricity bill addressed to 
    	"Mr. and Mrs."
    ...and being able to say good night without 
    	saying goodbye...
Marriage is...
	suddenly celebrating your first anniversary and
		eating frozen wedding cake; 
    it is discovering neither of you is as ideal 
    	as the other first thought, but that now you 
        love each other "in spite of" as well as
    	"because of"; 
    it is not being able to imagine what it was like 
    	to be single...
Marriage is...
	facing a crisis: an illness, a death, a loss; 
    it is struggling to survive, to hold a home 
    	together despite war and poverty and pain; 
    it is working together, playing together, laughing 
    	again together; 
    and finding that romance has been replaced 
    	by a deep, steady trust of mutual 
        understanding and caring...
Marriage is...
	parenthood, a blossoming of yourselves into complete
    it is diapers and 3 a.m. feedings and broken 
    it is measles and mumps and chicken	pox; 
    it is watching your very own children run and laugh
		and grow until one day they, too, are adults...

Marriage is...
	sighing in reminiscence and sweet satisfaction as
		you grow old; 
    a little house in the country where it is just 
    	the two of you alone together once more; 
    it is placing your knarled hand in his and leaning 
    	a gray head on his stooped shoulder, and gazing 
       into the sunset; 
    it is living and dying side by side in happiness 
    	and peace...
